Disrespectful Child

Disrespectful Child

The article below was first written by Dr. Petersen for GoodTherapy.org and is published by them at http://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/respect/. It is reproduced here with permission. If you are concerned about your child’s disrespectful behavior, you have probably tried...
Morning Hassles With Your Preschooler

Morning Hassles With Your Preschooler

Sick and tired of getting started on the wrong foot with the children in the morning? Tired of herding the children through the morning sequence – out of bed, dressed, fed, school supplies readied? If so, you are in good company. Some of the most common complaints I...
Encourage, Don’t Praise Your Child

Encourage, Don’t Praise Your Child

We parents want to give or children high self-esteem and teach them to distinguish right from wrong. We’ve accepted the fact that too much criticism and punishment can breed resentment and is less effective than rewards. Our parenting culture now leans toward becoming...
Natural and Logical Consequences

Natural and Logical Consequences

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The Goal of using consequences is to help our children learn self-discipline by allowing them to make choices and to be responsible for the results of those choices. How consequences are different from punishment: Consequences are...