Disrespectful Child

Disrespectful Child

The article below was first written by Dr. Petersen for GoodTherapy.org and is published by them at http://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/respect/. It is reproduced here with permission. If you are concerned about your child’s disrespectful behavior, you have probably tried...
Anatomy of Marriage

Anatomy of Marriage

Divorce and marital satisfaction are not in the stars or a matter of luck. They are highly predictable. In fact it is embarrassingly rare for clinical psychology to be able to predict much, but divorce and marriage satisfaction is are stunning exceptions. Jon...
Morning Hassles With Your Preschooler

Morning Hassles With Your Preschooler

Sick and tired of getting started on the wrong foot with the children in the morning? Tired of herding the children through the morning sequence – out of bed, dressed, fed, school supplies readied? If so, you are in good company. Some of the most common complaints I...
Great Monogamous Sex: Advice for Straight Married Men

Great Monogamous Sex: Advice for Straight Married Men

If you are a straight married man and looking for a little concrete advice for achieving mind-blowing sex, keep reading. You’ve stumbled onto the right article. By Cosmo and Maxim standards, I’m no sex expert. I won’t (and can’t) list the top 50 techniques that will...