Counseling Services for Couples, Adult Individuals, Children, and Families
Family Psychology of South Bend offers counseling services for distressed individuals, hurting couples, and struggling families to help them put their lives and relationships back on track. We specialize in individual counseling for anxiety and depression, marriage counseling and couples counseling, sex therapy, and parenting challenges.
Couples Counseling and Marriage Counseling
Couples wait an average of six years before seeking counseling services for relationship problems, but you don’t have to put off reconnection, trust and communication. Learn more about couples and marriage counseling.
Adult Individual Counseling
Individual counseling with adults struggling with anxiety and depression is a mainstay of our practice and accounts for approximately a quarter of our work in a given week. Learn more…
Sex Therapy Counseling
Sex therapy is a talk therapy treatment for low sexual desire, mismatch with partner’s desire, conflict about sex, pain during sex, difficulty with climax, erectile dysfunction, sexless relationships, shame, and compulsive sexual behavior. Dr. Petersen is a certified sex therapist who helps individuals and couples with these and other sexual concerns.
Teen Counseling Services
Teens face struggles as real and important as adults’. They face family conflict, romantic struggles, isolation from peers, feeling unknown by peers, questions and explorations around sex, the role of risk and excitement-seeking in social relationship and emotional life, struggles to find meaning and motivation in work and school achievement, loss and grief, medical concerns, declaring an identity separate from the role in the family of origin. Learn More…
Children Counseling Services
For over 20 years, we have been helping parents help their children with emotional and social challenges. You can reclaim family harmony and a fulfilling childhood for your son or daughter. We promise to give your child expert guidance in a common-sense approach, without “psychobabble” or empty promises of clinical fads. Learn More…
Parent Advising Services
Remove these obstacles and reclaim family harmony with our parent advising service. Receive advice tailored to your child for quick improvement in common parenting struggles. Learn where to focus your energy and move beyond rewards and punishment for enduring change.