In The Press
Outreach and public education are part of our guiding values at Family Psychology of South Bend. We make ourselves available to the media on topics of relational and emotional health, carrying on a tradition of our teachers to make psychology and counseling knowledge and wisdom accessible to the public.
Outreach and public education are part of our guiding values at Family Psychology of South Bend. We make ourselves available to the media on topics of relational and emotional health, carrying on a tradition of our teachers to make psychology and counseling knowledge and wisdom accessible to the public.
All In The Press Posts
ABC 57 Interview: How to have an open conversation with children about tragedy
The news has been flooded with violence. In the past month alone, the United States has had 45 mass shootings. Many of these frightful situations are happening where people buy their groceries, or even just go to work. Read the article on ABC 57
Virtual learning can exacerbate body image issues for children
Mental health counselor Heather Blackford discusses how children’s body issues can be exacerbated by remote learning. Eating disorders can be triggered by a negative body image and affect children of all ages. Read the story on ABC57
Dr. Petersen interviewed by Dukes about new year
We were happy to contribute to Howard Duke’s South Bend Tribune story about the new year in which we all hope to make significant strides away from COVID’s hold on us. Particularly nice in this story is Duke’s work to get comments from various community leaders and thinkers, such as an anthropologist and a rabbi, […]
Aftershocks of COVID crisis lead to dramatic spike in anxiety, depression in kids
Adolescents showing increased anxiety. Family Psychology was happy to contribute to this local reporting by Lindsay Stone.
Warning Signs Of Abusive Relationships
View original WNDU story Lindsay Stone came to my office for an interview on camera about abusive relationships. She put together a two-part story on a dramatic love triangle that captured the public’s attention. It was an excellent opportunity to share some important information about patterns of abuse and the very high risk […]
Violent threats at South Bend area schools surge after Florida shooting
Tribune reporter Lincoln Wright came to my office for an interview over my lunch break. I was particularly interested in this story because my children were at Adams High School when these threats were made. During our dinner conversation, my son Daniel described his reaction to his friend who panicked during class and how others […]
Violent threats at South Bend area schools surge after Florida shooting
‘Getting help is the key’: Expert gives advice to parents of kids with concerning behavior
Dr. John Petersen is included in this story about children and concerning behavior.
'Getting help is the key': Expert gives advice to parents of kids with concerning behavior
We've heard stories of kids acting out and becoming problems for their parents, and a recent incident in our area involved an 11-year-old boy allegedly shooting his father. There are resources available if you notice your child has concerning behavior. One of the first steps is accepting the truth. A local child behavior expert says it's important to trust your gut. It's easy to feel guilty for not raising your child correctly, but sending them to get help is worth it before it's too late.
Ask An Expert series with Dr. John Petersen
Ask An Expert series brings together local experts to answer questions and highlight local resources. An annual favorite is the show about managing holiday stress. It’s ironic that the holidays are probably the most stressful time of year. I enjoyed learning from panelists Dr. Kimberly Warren and Dr. Michael Englert about their work supporting and […]
Parent Guilt Is Natural. Parent Shame Is Toxic
It was a pleasure to be interviewed by Virginia Pelley about fathers’ toxic shame for Her writing represents many hours of interviewing psychologists and counselors who sit with parents every day in the intimate work of helping with family leadership and child formation. She puts their wisdom in a well written, interesting article. In […]
Parent Guilt Is Natural. Parent Shame Is Toxic
The True Costs Of Having A Second Child
My father and mentor in psychology is fond of saying, “Being born into a family is like being born into the middle of Act II in a three act play. That metaphorical context is most apt for the second born child. The roles of parents and first born are taken, where do I fit in? […]
The True Costs of Having a Second Child
Protecting your mental health and talking to kids about coronavirus outbreak
View Original ABC 57 News Article SOUTH BEND, Ind. — As students stay home due the COVID-19 outbreak, they may have questions, or even fears, about it. Closures for dozens of Michiana school districts because of the coronavirus go into effect this week. On Monday, School City of Mishawaka is shutting down for […]
WNDU Wellness Wednesday: Maintaining and improving mental health in the New Year
View original WNDU news story “Clinical psychologist Dr. John Petersen with Family Psychology of South Bend joined us to discuss New Years resolutions and maintaining and improving mental health.” – Lindsay Stone, WNDU News Anchor New Year’s Resolutions can be an auspicious occasion to commit to a life change or a playful way to […]
Wellness Wednesdays: Eating Disorders
“Clinical psychologist Dr. John Petersen with Family Psychology of South Bend discusses healthy ways to understand and combat eating disorders for this week’s Wellness Wednesday.” – Lindsay Stone, WNDU News Anchor When Lindsay Stone and I agreed the February Wellness Wednesday topic could be a jump start for the Eating Disorders Awareness week in […]
If You Need to Command Your Family’s Respect, You’ve Already Lost It
“If you have to insist on respect, you probably don’t have it,” says Oakland, California, psychologist Erica Reischer, Ph.D., author of What Great Parents Do: Simple Strategies for Raising Kids Who Thrive. “By then, it’s too late.”
If You Need to Command Your Family's Respect, You've Already Lost It
Safe Digital Dating
Melissa Stephens put together this very helpful piece on an issue I had not thought about previously. I was not aware of her focus when I agreed to be interviewed about romantic relationships but was glad to contribute what I have learned from specializing in couples for many years. View the article Excerpt: […]
Web of Betrayal: Warning Signs Of Abusive Relationships
Lindsay Stone came to my office for an interview on camera about abusive relationships. She put together a two-part story on a dramatic love triangle that captured the public’s attention. It was an excellent opportunity to share some important information about patterns of abuse and the very high risk when a partner decides to leave […]
Web of betrayal: Warning signs of abusive relationships
New Years Resolutions
Lindsay Stone is a local gem who consistently puts together engaging stories. I’m always happy to hear from her and learn what she is working on and discuss how I can contribute. New Years resolutions are important even if they go unheeded most of the time. They reveal our values and aspirations. If we can […]
Local psychologist shares tips on meeting New Year's resolutions
Back to school is the perennial Fall topic that is well worth the attention it gets.
Original WNDU news story: Back To School The new school year is the childhood New Year with all the pristine hopes and excitement adults often bring to their January 1 celebrations and resolutions. Children are at their best in the fall, open and ripe for new routine and skills. With a little forethought and timing, […]
Dr. Petersen Interviewed by South Bend Tribune on Gun Violence Threats
South Bend Tribune Court and Public Safety writer Lincoln Wright interviewed law officials, me, and another psychologist about the recent uptick in threats of gun violence in high schools. See the link to the article below. I appreciate him considering the psychological factors of social belonging and personal agency in the school community as protective […]
Violent threats at South Bend area schools surge after Florida shooting
The message "Friday, 2/23 all souls will be cleansed," was written on a bathroom stall at South Bend's John Adams High School Tuesday.
How to Respond to the Texas Shooting
I was very glad to take time with WSBT reporter Heather Black about the mass shooting in LasVega, a new low for our country as we risk becoming resigned to death by firearms as an acceptable part of our culture. Off camera, Ms Black and I shared concern about the tension inherent in the need […]
Psychologists speak on how people respond differently to tragedy after mass shootings
Experts say shootings can wear on people's emotional well-being, especially after seeing two mass causalities events in just the past month.This isn't easy for some people.Everyone responds to things like this a little differently. Some find a way to prote
Two of the most robust predictors of failed marriage
I almost passed on this phone interview because it isn’t the kind of press that usually contacts me. But I was very impressed Lemuel Monterro was writing about divorce in a regional wedding magazine. So much romanticized aesthetic and ceremonial work goes into a wedding, supporting an entire industry. Often neglected is a financial investment […]
Two Questions that Reveal If You'll Be Happily Ever After
The perennial Fall topic that is well worth the attention it gets
The new school year is the childhood New Year with all the pristine hopes and excitement adults often bring to their January 1 celebrations and resolutions. Children are at their best in the fall, open and ripe for new routine and skills. With a little forethought and timing, children and families can find a new […]
Helpful tips to get your child back in a school year routine
Morning Routines
On page 78 is an old article on a timeless problem, the stressful morning routine in a family with children. In our community lectures series, this topic is one of the best attended. I estimate 90% of parents are starting their day with some level of resentment or conflict as they find themselves taking responsibility […]
Family Magazine October 2011
Breastfeeding Doll Stirs Up Controversy
This was a very interesting report by local news reviewing a controversy over children exposed to breast feeding and a doll that facilitated children’s play that included nursing their doll. Many are uncomfortable with children mimicking breast feeding because they think of breasts in terms of sexual development and eroticism rather than imaginative play with […]