Individual counseling with adults struggling with anxiety and depression is a mainstay of our practice and accounts for approximately a quarter of our work in a given week. Most adults we see individually are struggling with some form of anxiety or depression resulting from a change in life whether at work, in physical health, or in the family.
All Anxiety Posts
How does Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) develop?
We who are generally anxious often have developed a posture of alertness, even vigilance for what might become, or already is, out of control. One thing we cannot fully control is what others think of us, so many of us turn our efforts toward controlling self. If religious, or scrupulous without a religious background, this […]
Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder – GAD
Treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder include: Counseling for self or relationship to help cultivate trust, rest, and safety. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder – GAD: Cognitive: Identify basic beliefs and conditioning undergirding the impulse to worry. It’s helpful to explore your personal story to discover beliefs/thoughts related to distress.Thought logs and some techniques […]
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation), occurring more days than not for at least 6 months, about a number of events or activities (such as work or school performance, finances, relationships, children). The person finds the worry difficult to control. The anxiety and worry are associated with three or more of the following six symptoms (with at least some symptoms present for more days than not for the past 6 months).
Aftershocks of COVID crisis lead to dramatic spike in anxiety, depression in kids
Adolescents showing increased anxiety. Family Psychology was happy to contribute to this local reporting by Lindsay Stone.