The Power of Listening

The Power of Listening

This article was co-written by Trey Duckett. A series of articles on the importance of listening We think in stories and metaphors, habitually ascribing personal meaning to our experiences. Describing yourself in terms of occupation, relationship status, age, and so...
The Anxiety After an Affair

The Anxiety After an Affair

I see many couples in the midst of overcoming infidelity in their relationship. Couples seek therapy in hopes of rebuilding their trust and connection to regain what they once had. In these circumstances, I have consistently witnessed a specific factor that prevents...
NEDAwareness Week 2022

NEDAwareness Week 2022

Visit the NEDA Hotline At Family Psychology of South Bend, each clinician has a passion for a particular population or group of mental disorders.  This month, we are highlighting Heather’s passion for raising awareness about the prevalence of Eating Disorders, in...